Friday, July 15, 2011

An email to Katie from Mom: "Christian Dating"

My dearest Katherine,

It is wonderful to hear that you are still doing well down there. Please try and stay safe, sweetest.

And what is it about this Mike fellow? hmmm? Is he your boyfriend or anything of that nature? I'm happy he's asked you out--you kids should be having fun--but, please, do be careful.

Too many girls your age are rushing into relationships with young boys, not focusing on your plans and priorities. While I know many of your friends are getting engaged and some married--many of them still in school--I don't want you to feel pressured  to rush into some kind of relationship with any old boy. It is rather delightful to see that you and your friends are keeping to your faith so fervently, but you really must keep a strong head as well.

Honestly dear, I see your cousins and your friends and how quickly they rush into their marriages. They date these boys not even a couple years before they make the commitment. I fear some of them are simply rushing into something that they think completes them and makes them feel whole. I don't know what you and this Mike fellow have planned, but I hope you two haven't already begun thinking about tying the knot! Don't laugh (I know you are) because many Christian girls your age are doing it! They come to church, to small group and yes even to SFC, thirsty for a man to complete them--much like the Samaritan woman at the well who had five husbands, to whom Jesus said,

"Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

You, dear, have lots of time after you've graduated to explore a lifelong relationship with a young man like Mike. Don't get thirsty, dear. Don't be a woman at the well.

I know that as a young Christian girl, patiently saving her most precious gift for the God-fearing man of her dreams, you desire to get things moving as fast as possible because all your friends are moving on with their relationships. But, you, dear, must be just that--patient.Your day will come. And when it does you shall have a better understanding of who you are as God-fearing woman before getting to know someone else or making yourself vulnerable so that he may get to know you.

Dear, I am not lecturing you. I know you are an adult now and can make your own decisions, but please make sure they are indeed the right decisions and that this is a step that God wants of you--not just something you want. There is only one Man in your life who will fully complete you, make you feel whole and  forever quench your thirst.

Take care sweetest. Your father and I would like to meet this Mike someday, granted you choose to take this one date further.



Thursday, July 14, 2011

An email from Mike J. to Katie


I'm glad we settled things yesterday about the beer incident. I think you have some really awesome plans for the small group this summer too.

But I want to know if we can hang out again sometime. Are you free this weekend? Just me and you?


Friday, July 8, 2011

Greetings from Africa: A letter from Lee to SFC


Week 4 in Kenya! Boy, I tell you, there is nothing greater than seeing the most powerful words of scripture come to life right before your eyes.

Brothers and sisters, Africa is a beautiful place with some of the most amazing people I have met in my life. We are staying with local, young Christians, just like us, who share our passion for Christ. When Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, he meant it and it is happening all over this planet!

We were put to work as soon as we got here, praying with locals, fellowshipping, worshipping and visiting a local orphanage. It's amazing that Americans take everything, including their faith, for granted! Before coming here I was convinced that in some way my being this privileged Christian American, would be a blessing to these people--something that would give them some sort of hope. How foolish! My brothers and sisters here have showed me more than I could have imagined. Eye opener!

 Imani, organizer of the Christian youth group we're partnering with, has taken us up and through the villages, the slums and towns of the country. A lot of the people here live in poverty and hunger and still have a prodigious level of faith is utterly indescribable. Their church services, worship, praise and style of prayer is so lively and erratic and I love it!

What have I learned so far? God is everywhere friends. He's awesome. He's amazing. He is extraordinarily complex. And all peoples--every tribe, every tongue and every nation-- are made in his image!

Mungu Akubariki-- Lee

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An Email from Mike J. Re: "Alcohol at Small Group"


You're right, I should have thought twice about bringing beer to small group. I should have asked. I take full responsibility  Chris tried to talk me out of it, but I guess I was being dumb.

I can see how you could think Monica was offended, but honestly, I doubt she was. We connected the whole night. I doubt she minded. Still I do see your point. Some people can be touchy about alcohol and it was a dumb move on my part not thinking about that.

But there aint nothing wrong with a little beer here and there, right? We'll save the booze for after small group-- like at a bar or something so there's no pressure on anybody.  Oooor.... we can always sneak off to the kitchen and pour the stuff in some water bottles and pretend it's apple juice.

I'm just kidding about the last part.



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monica's Diary Entry: "White People"

Before tonight I didn't know what a small group even was. It's a cutesy word for Bible study, apparently, but I guess it encompasses a little bit more. Like today we didn't just read the Bible at SFC, we hung out and we ate. There was even beer there, which, well I don't really know how I feel about that one. Nobody got tipsy and I didn't drink it or anything, but I didn't know Christians were so casual about it. The boys that drank were 21, at least I think they were. If Daddy found out....

It went pretty good though, except for one thing, and no, it was not the beer. First of all, I was the only black person there, which I kinda expected. Katie said the group is bigger during the Fall and hinted that it was way more diverse then, but um, I don't know how much. There was one Asian boy, an Asian girl, 2 white boys and Katie. They were all pretty cool except the one boy named Mike. The whole night he kept saying some pretty rude things that I think I'm just going to go ahead and say were just a little bit racist.

I mean we got along okay but I can tell he has some growing up to do. He's obviously the typical suburban jock type and really loud. I 'm sure as a white man from the suburbs you don't have to think about how you come across to other people who are different. 

First, he actually asked me, point blank in front of everybody, if my hair was real?! 

"I watched a movie that said most African-American women wear fake hair," he said.


I told him no, my hair is in fact natural and real. It's pretty obvious, but even if it wasn't, why would I put fake hair in my head that is this short!

It didn't end there. He asked me where I was from and I told him my family recently moved from Detroit to a smaller suburb. His response: "I've been to Detroit on a youth group trip. There's a lot of poverty and gangs. Is that why you moved?"

Finally, when Katie asked for prayer requests and praises he thanked God for bringing "different cultures" together and clenched his fist at me--like a black power kinda thing! He didn't even look at the Asians!! He's pretty ridiculous. I mean, I know he means well, but really? Between the beer and that...would Daddy approve?

Even with that, I think I will come back. Students For Christ looks like they are in the right direction. And it looks like they could use a little more flava.


Monday, July 4, 2011

An email to Mike J. and Chris: Subj: "Alcohol at Small Group"

Hi guys,

Thankz for coming to small group yesterday. So awesome seeing you there and we had a fantastic discussion about Psalms! Monica seemed to really enjoy it....for the most part.

I only wish that one of you would have let me know beforehand about bringing a six-pack to Bible study. I for one am not against drinking or alcohol, but I am not quite sure it made the best impression on Monica or on Jim. Honestly, it may have freaked them out just a teeny bit with it being their first time with us. Monica, in particular looked quite uncomfortable with you two drinking. I still have not spoken to her about it, yet.

Anywayz, if you'd like to talk about this more, we can meet up and I can clarify what I am saying. Don't worry; no one's in trouble. It's just that sometimes we have to be aware of how we come off to other people when living out the Kingdom! : )

Your sister in Christ,


~~Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matt. 11.29)~~

Friday, July 1, 2011

Gchat with Mike J. and Chris

The Following is a Gchat convo between Mike J. and Chris:

Mike: Dude, we should bring beers to bible study tonight- for the potluck

Chris: lol, what?!?! No way.

Mike: haha. Why not?

Mike: You drink.

Chris: Inappropriate. It's small group!

Mike: Dude, Jesus totally drank wine at the last supper. Remember?

Chris: True.

Chris:  idk. Katie's bringing a friend. We don't want to send the wrong message :)

Mike: You're no fun :)

Chris: We can hit The Pub afterwards--

Mike: Sweet!

An email from Katie: Subj: 'I went to a black church Today'

Hey Mom,

Today, I finally got the courage to visit the small Baptist church a few blocks from my apartment that I was telling you about. You know, the African-American one? The one where you can hear the pastor from across the street every Sunday afternoon? Well, the experience was, different. As soon as I walked into the doors, I stood out. Of course I was the only white girl in the room. Haha. Other than a few glances, no one seemed to care, however. Everything looks so much bigger in the inside. I sat in the back because they all seemed to know one another and I'm not sure if I'll be back soon. I'm pretty plugged in at CCC.

I do wish I'd known that everyone would be dressed so formally there. I mean, we all like to look nice for church on Sunday, but these people take it to a totally new level!! So many beautiful dresses and HUGE, colorful hats. It was like the Kentucky Derby, but without the horses, that is. Is this what church is like in the South? In Kentucky, maybe? I felt a bit embarrassed in my un-ironed khakis and my hair was a bit of a mess. I'm sure God didn't mind. It took theme a bit to get started, but once the choir began singing, mom, I could have sworn I was in heaven!

Why can't "we" sing like that? haha. :)

Anywayz, I hope that when you visit before school you can come to the church with me. I have a feeling you'd love it. How are things going with me other than church experimenting? Taking summer classes is tough, but not as time consuming as I had thought it would be. I am still hanging around SFC folks--the ones who stayed on campus this summer at least, but I'm hoping to burst that Christian Bubble soon. Our first small group starts today and guess what? I invited Monica, a girl from class who I met at the church! She seems really nice and I hope none of the SFC boys scare her away. I think she'd make a good fit in SFC. We could use a little more flavor!

Anyway, I'll talk to you later. Call me!

Take care,
